The development of a business plan for a company is an opportunity to enhance and reinforce its identity.

Sometimes redesigning is necessary. The trigger may be an idea of the entrepreneur, an opportunity offered by the market, or a requirement that becomes more pressing: experimental projects, exploration of new market segments, business partnerships or restructuring a wider range of sales networks. Every time a company moves to meet a need, it undertakes a business action.

PMC deals with commercial actions as projects, customizing the approach according to the peculiarities and the reference sector, always keeping in mind the three basic pillars:

·       A clear and measurable goal;

·       Consistency of cash flows with the aim and actions;

·       Commitment to the company’s  internal and external actors.

According to PMC, teamwork, constant dialogue, progressive measurement of improvements and performance are essential characteristics for the realization of a winning business plan.

How PMC can help?

·       Analysis of business and strategic objectives;

·       Competitor benchmarking and pricing analysis;

·       Sales budget preparation, business cases and business plans;

·       Penetration strategies: identification;

·       Development of sales channels and new markets;

·       Development of synergic actions with partners;

·       Development of project reports and presentations;

·       Project team coordination;

·       Analysis and Management of Strategic Accounts, also for individual negotiations.

We are team players. PMC is part of a project team aimed at the development of the commercial action.

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